Defining a System

A system does not describe a thing – like a noun.  A system is more like a verb - a system describes a method or way of doing things that you and your team have sorted out in advance will solve a problem area in your practcie or make your practice function in a specific area in a hihgly effective way.  Systems take time to get properly defined and implemented and require input from everyone involved in order to function well - but the payoff's are huge. 

Without systems, it is impossible to consistently provide patients with high standards of treatment, service and care or maintain a stress free and productive work environment.  Systems are the foundation upon which clinical, operational and productivity goals are realized.  This includes:

  • Developing systems that result in the effective delivery of treatment, service and care to patients.
  • Developing systems that enable staff members to work together effectively, grow and develop as a team.
  • Developing systems that maximize the productivity and profitability of practices.

Once defined, it is essential that systems are rigorously followed and improved upon when necessary.


 “Without a system, people have no objective understanding of their work and what is expected of them.  As a result, people are forced to do the best they can, which of course varies vastly from individual to individual.  Without a system, you are playing Russian roulette with the results you deliver to your customers.”

“Conscious organizations are those that possess a clear Vision and manifest that Vision through highly integrated systems.  They hold their people accountable for the effective utilization of those systems.  They collectively modify, improve and reinvent their systems when needed.  They seek and acquire learning, growth and intelligence through the process." 

"Unconscious organizations are those that are unclear about their Vision and possess few systems.  They generally experience chaos, confusion, disruption and disorder.  These organizations seek solutions to problems and rarely come up with anything better than quick fixes."

Michael Gerber, The E Myth Manager