Workplace Dynamics

12 Steps of Effective Staff Meetings

Effective staff meetings can make a significant difference to the performance and productivity of a dental practice.  Staff meetings provide an important forum for problem solving and the improvement of systems that lead to the greater service of patients and enhanced productivity. Here are twelve steps that assist dental teams get the most from their meetings.

1. Meetings Start On Time.

2. Meetings Have A Defined Agenda.

3. Staff Are Prepared For Meetings.

  • Status of old business.
  • Ready to speak on new business.
  • Team members make good use of meetings to accomplish goals.


4.  Meeting Commitments Are Recorded.

  • Team members record their own commitments.
  • Meeting recorder records all commitments.

5. Meeting Commitments Are Followed Up On - One Meeting To The Next.

  • Minimal slippage - commitments falling through the cracks.
  • Staff are prepared to recommit on incomplete items.

6. Team Members Stick To The Meeting Agenda & Cover All Items.

  • Meeting discussions / conversations - do not wander.
  • Agenda items  are covered - no stepping over items.


7. Team Members Get to Bottom Lines In Communications – No Story.

  • Bottom lines - what is working and what's not.
  • Minimal discussions - unnecessary detail, drama, story.

 8. Team Members Listen To One Another.

  • Pay attention - do not allow yourself to be distracted from the agenda.
  • Listen to understand – ideas, issues, view point of others.

 9. Team Members Exhibit Effective Problem Solving Skills.

  • Problems are understood as signals for the need of correction vs. evolving into blaming and fault finding.
  • Team members identify the cause of problems before proceeding with trying to find solutions.
  • Team members proceed to find the simplest solutions possible that work for everyone affected by the problem.


10. Team Members Support The Leadership of Meetings.

  • Team members understand & support meeting leadership role.
  • Team members demonstrate leadership in meetings by actively participating.

11. Meetings Are Productive - Things Get Done.

12. Meetings End On Time.

Common Causes of Workplace Problems and Job Stress

Quality research estimates that 25% to 35% of work that people typically do in a day is rework - time spent dealing with problems that result from things not working properly in the first place.  This type of work is costly for  dental practices and stressful and frustrating for team members.

The majority of these problems can be directly traced to various types of systems problems:

  • The lack of properly defined systems.
  • Poorly defined or designed systems.
  • Inconsistency in following systems that are defined.

System problems directly effect the quality of treatment, service and care provided to patients as well as represent a major source of stress, conflict and miscommunication that occurs among staff members on a day to day basis.

The only way to consistently provide patients with high standards of treatment, service and care and break free from a stressful dental work environment is to ensure your systems are properly defined and followed.

Taking Responsibility to Solve Problems

Problems and conflict occur as a natural part of day to day work life and represent opportunities for learning and growth.  Successful teams understand that problems and conflict occur in the workplace and they do not allow problems or conflict to undermine their commitment to their goals or other team members.

The success of a dental practice is dependent upon the ability to solve operational problems.  Problem solving requires that team members demonstrate composure and initiative related to correcting problem situations.  The lack of team member commitment or initiative towards problem solving results in creating a work environment where team members complain about how things could be or should be while waiting for others to fix problems or implement positive change. 

The resolution of problems and conflict through open, direct and responsible communication can serve as valuable learning opportunities as well as contribute to the development of positive working relationships.

 “Problems are only opportunities in work clothes.”

                                              Henry J. Kaiser