Managing Users in MaxAssist®
MaxAssist® makes it quick and simple to manage user profiles. Practice administrative level MaxAssist® users can quickly and easily inactivate the access of staff members who have left the clinic, or set up a user profile for new staff members that are new to the MaxAssist® program. The only change that cannot be made at the clinic level is allowing a user access that has had a log in to MaxAssist® previously, perhaps with a previous employer that also used MaxAssist®. In those circumstances, please reach out to us and we will add that user for you.
You can find the list of MaxAssist® users for your clinic conveniently located on your MaxAssist® Dashboard. You can get to your MaxAssist® Dashboard easily from the Toolbar by clicking on Settings & Support>> Practice Management>> User Management:
You can also access the Dashboard by clicking here.
To add users:
In the User Management portal on the MaxAssist® Dashboard, you will see a list of your active users. Above the list you will see a Create User button:
When you click on the button, a dialog box will open that will ask you for the new user’s first name, last name, and the clinic's email address. You will also need to create a user name and temporary password for the new user. At the time of first log in, they will be prompted to create a new, permanent password:
To remove/ modify users:
When you click on a user name in the list of users on the MaxAssist® Dashboard, you will be able to make changes to their log in. You can reset their password, mark a user inactive, and/or upgrade a user’s access from standard to administrative:
For more information on this or any of our features, please reach out to us.
Phone: 1-800-651-8603 ext 1,
Live text chat at
Thanks for using MaxAssist®!