October 6, 2022

C to Confirm Appointments via SMS

Hi everyone, We’re excited to bring you this update that makes it even easier for patients to confirm their appointments using SMS.


Previously, patients were required to reply with a one or two digit number when confirming an appointment(s) via SMS.


We’re happy to announce that now, patients can simply reply with “C” to confirm their appointments!

But wait, there’s more…

We’ve also added Smart Language confirmation responses.

Patients can also reply with the following responses to confirm their appointment(s).





“thank you”

“got it”





“I will be there”

“I’ll be there”

“will be there”

“see you”

“see you then“

The Smart Language feature also recognizes these words and phrases in Spanish, English and Chinese.

If you would like to have this feature enabled, please have your practice administrator contact our support desk at support@getmaxassist.com or 1-800-651-8603 ext 1.

For more information on this or any of our features, please reach out to us.

  • Phone: 1-800-651-8603 ext 1,

  • email: support@getmaxassist.com

  • Live text chat at www.getmaxassist.com

Thanks for using MaxAssist®!