Hi everyone,

We’re halfway through summer but our dev team has been hard at work. We’re excited to bring you the next update to our already popular Book Online Feature:

Book Online - Appointment Push

That’s right, MaxAssist® can now be configured to push appointments that are booked online directly int0 your scheduler.

First of all, you will need to have the MaxAssist® Book Online feature enabled. If you need a quick refresher on how that works and how to enable it, please click here.

To enable the Book Online Appointment Push, navigate to your MaxAssist® Dashboard and from the left side menu, click Engagement and then Online Booking.

Now click the Providers/Treatments button from the top menu options.

Book Online Appointment Push can be set up for each of the treatment types at your practice.

To begin, click on the Add New Treatment Type button (1).


In the Treatment Type dialogue box, enter a Treatment Name (1), assign a Time Allotment (2), Treatment Category (3) and then click the Allow appointments of this type to be pushed to your scheduler? checkbox (4).

You’ll see that the same Treatment Type dialogue box now expands, displaying some additional options…


You’ll select an Appointment Status from the pulldown, Appointment Type and Appointment Procedure Code.

Please Note: Not all schedulers will display all options.


You’ll then create a Block or Event Type in your scheduler that will be used to hold a spot for new patient appointments.

Please Note: Not all schedulers will display this option.

Select Save.

You’ll now see the newly configured Book Online Appointment Push for that specific Treatment Type.

Now that the Book Online Appointment Push has been set up, you’ll configure how MaxAssist® manages those appointments in the toolbar.

Click on the Settings tab in Online Booking page (1) and scroll down to the bottom portion of the page to “How would you like us to handle booked appointments?” (2).

Click the down arrow and you now see there are three options,

-> Do not push into scheduler, show on toolbar.

Book online appointments are displayed in the toolbar and are not pushed to your scheduler.

-> Automatically push to scheduler, do not show successes in toolbar.

Default Option: MaxAssist® will attempt to push an appointment or a schedule block to the scheduler. Only appointments that failed to push or that have not been configured to push are displayed in the toolbar.

-> Automatically push to scheduler, show all in toolbar.

Book online appointments will be pushed to the scheduler and be displayed in the toolbar. The toolbar list item will remain until the practice uses the checkmark button to complete the task or remove from list.


Once your selection has been made, the details are displayed below the pulldown menu. When you are ready to proceed, click Save.

Now let’s review how this looks in the MaxAssist® toolbar.

As you might remember, whenever a patient books online, their name appears on the Online Bookings list located in the Action Center in the MaxAssist® toolbar.

If you’ve enabled that successful bookings made through online booking will automatically push to your scheduler and be displayed in your toolbar, they will display as you see here.

You can see that in this case, the Appointment Creation Status shows, Appointment added to Scheduler.

If there was any issue with adding the appointment to your scheduler, or if its a new patient and you need to convert the time block in your scheduler into an appointment, the Appointment Creation Status will indicate what action to take.

Once the appointment has been scheduled, click the checkmark and select Appointment Scheduled, and then Submit to remove the patient from the list.


We hope you enjoy the latest enhancement to our Online Booking feature, and should you need any further assistance at all, please contact support using the contact information below!

For more information on this or any of our features, please reach out to us.

  • Phone: 1-800-651-8603 ext. 1

  • email: support@getmaxassist.com

  • Live chat at www.getmaxassist.com

Thanks for using MaxAssist®!