August 13, 2018 - New Toolbar List and User Management Enhancements
Hi everyone,
The weather is hot and so are we! Grab a cool drink, sit back, relax and read about all the exciting new features we have for you.
Toolbar List Headers
All patient lists in our toolbar now have increased visibility and clarity regarding the icons. Mousing over the icon will display the details of that column. This is especially helpful given different dates have different meanings on different lists.
Short Notice Priority
You already know our Short Notice List is one of the most powerful features in the toolbar (If you don't know, call us and we'll show you). With these updates, it's even more impressive!
When a short notice is created or edited for a patient, the user can select the priority as Normal or Urgent.
The Short Notice List now displays 2 new headers in a bold font: Urgent and Normal.
The Urgent patients that fit the filter criteria are always listed before the Normal patients.
This now allows you to easily select and message or contact groups of patients before others.
If there are no Urgent or Normal patients that fit the current filter criteria, the system displays No Normal/Urgent patients found.
Short Notice List Enhancement
The Short Notice Lists have been simplified and are now even easier to use!
Enhanced Visibility
We now have a Last Contact column on the short notice lists.
This column displays how long it has been since the patient was last contacted in Minutes, Hours or Days. For example, patients might have 5d,(5 days since last contacted), 15m (15 mins since last contact or 3h (3 hours since last contacted)."
This will help reduce the chance that a patient might be over messaged while also helping to group patients together who were messaged around the same time - presumably for the same opening.
Next Appointment Date
This additional column in the Short Notice list displays the date of the patient's next appointment as long as it is within the next 30 days.
The idea is that if a patient is looking for an earlier appointment, the user knows if the short notice opening is before or after their next scheduled appointment and decide whether or not to notify this patient about the opening.
Practice User Management
Practice Administrators and Account Administrators can now easily audit, create and manage their users. This is accessible from the practice dashboard.
Editing an existing user
Clicking on a user name in the list brings up this dialogue to edit a user...
Clicking Create User displays this dialogue...
Additional Notes
* You cannot inactive your own user profile
* You cannot change your own permission level ie, Practice Admin to User.
Toolbar Change - Settings and Support
Looking for Dashboard Reports?
We've renamed the Reports option under Settings and Support to Practice Management. This is where you'll be able to view Dashboard Reports, Survey Responses and User Management.
These updates have been automatically enabled and are now available in the Recall System Pro Toolbar. For further information on this or any of our features, please contact us at 1-800-651-8603 ext 1, email to or live text chat at
Thanks for using Recall System Pro!