September 6, 2017 Recall System Pro's Back to School Feature Enhancements

Improved Multi User Support

One of the greatest features in using in Recall System Pro is the ability to work in lists collaboratively. You already know that 2 people can be working a list at the same time. With this latest upgrade, the process will become even more efficient and streamlined!

Whenever someone else at the practice is
working in the same list, you'll see a green
eye icon next to that patient's name.  


Mousing over the icon
will display the other user's name.


When the checkmark is used to change the status of an item (such as Left Message - LM ), the item will be shaded gray for the remainder of the day. 


Using these two new features together makes the process of working lists with others at the practice much more efficient by eliminating the chances of calling the same patient at the same time or, on the same day.

This, combined with the late list filtering, allows staff to work down the same late list or confirmation list and leap frog over each other to more effectively without having to continuously refresh to hide filtered items (items contacted in last 30 days)

View Sent email and Text Messages

You can now easily view an email or text message sent to a patient under Patient Messaging icon. 


Under the type column, there is a menu button that can be used to view the content of email and sms messages that have been sent. 

Email messages will be displayed in the user’s browser.


Clicking the View Text button will switch the view over to the automated text message tab and highlight the text that was selected. 


Work Phone Extension support

Recall System Pro can now display extensions for work numbers on the patient Information page. If there is an extension beside the work number in your scheduler, it will automatically be displayed in Recall System Pro


These updates have been automatically enabled for you and are now available in the Recall System Pro Dashboards. For further information on this or any of these enhancements, please contact us at 1-800-651-8603 ext 1 or email to

Thank you for using Recall System Pro!