November 15, 2018
Hi everyone,
We have some great new features to tell you about. Read all about it below and let us know if you have questions.
Patient Due Date and Continuing Care Display Refresh
To now, continuing care intervals and patient
due dates have been displayed
separately on the patient information page.
Continuing Care and patient Due Dates have been merged into one view and the details
can now be read in a much more concise manner.
Advanced Add Note Functionality
You now have the option to push additional notes from RecallMax to your scheduler using the Add Note button on the Patient Notes page*.
This feature works in Due and Late and Appointment lists and the Patient Search function.
*note push not available for Dentrix G4
Patient Continuing Care Display Options
As you know, RecallMax displays patient due dates from your scheduler but if a patient does not have a due date, we’ll step in and help by auto assigning a default due date to a patient to help prevent patients falling through the cracks.
If you would prefer to not have the RecallMax assigned due dates displayed, we can now hide them which makes it even easier to view the relevant information about your patient.
As long as there is a due date for the patient in your scheduler, we will no longer display, “As set in RecallMax”.
Please note that this is an optional feature. Reach out to us using one of the options below if you would like this view enabled.
For further information on these or any of our other features, please contact us at 1-800-651-8603 ext 1, email to or live text chat at
Thanks for using RecallMax!