June 26, 2017 - New Missed Pre-Appointed List
Everyone knows how important pre-appointing is for patient recall and Recall System Pro now gives you the ability to efficiently contact patients that have recently visited your practice but left before you were able to schedule them for their next appointment.
Starting today you will see a new list under Patient Lists called Missed Pre-Appointed.
The default view for this list will be the last 7 days of missed pre-appointments.
Patients will come off of the list automatically if any appointment is created.
As in our other lists, the check mark should always be used to mark the task as completed with either, Appointment Scheduled (you contacted the patient and were able to pre-appoint) or Will Not Schedule appointment ( you called the patient and they declined) in the check mark dialogue box.
The list may be filtered to hide "completed" patients and patients that had appointments greater than the selected period which by default is 7 days.
In other news, you will also notice that we have updated the wording in all Recall System Pro dialogue boxes to more accurately reflect Completed and Contact/Attempted Task Status'
These updates have been automatically enabled for you and are now available in your Recall System Pro Toolbar. If not visible, please log out and then log back in to Recall System Pro or contact us for further support at 1-800-651-8603 ext 1 or email to support@recallsystem.com
Thank you for using Recall System Pro!!