March 2, 2018 - The Recall System Pro - First Sign of Spring New Features Update!

Our developers recently emerged from their offices, saw their shadows and are pleased to announce the following new updates to Recall System Pro!

1) Last Procedures/Patient Ledger Information

Efficient preparation is a big part of effective patient recall and now you have the ability to review past procedural information from the patient file directly on the Patient Information page in Recall System Pro.

We've added a new Last Procedures button on the patient preferences page that, once selected, will display a new window with additional helpful preparation details.


* Monthly views are rounded to the first of the given month. If today is March 15th, 2018 the view will date back to March 1, 2018.

* The dark black bars highlight procedures in a given year. Procedures in a given day are contained in a single box with the first procedure of the day at the top. Procedures are ordered alphabetically by procedure code.

* This new screen can also be left opened and moved anywhere on your screen and will automatically refresh when clicking on a different patient file in the Recall System Pro lists.





The icon next to the date indicates Hyg/Rec appointments in green and Restorative/Other appointments in gray.




2) Advanced Patient Search

We've greatly enhanced the flexibility when looking up a patient using the search function (magnifying glass icon) in the Recall System Pro toolbar,




In addition to searching by patient name, you can now also search on additional fields. 

Clicking on the new Advanced button expands the search options showing these additional fields that can also be used to make the process of finding a patient even easier than before



You can now search by phone number, email address and or chart number making the process of finding a patient even easier and more efficient!

* Phone numbers require a minimum of 4 digits to search

* Email requires a minimum of 4 characters to search

* Chart number is exact match only

* Patient name requires a minimum of 2 characters



3) New Icon next to Patient Name

You'll now see that there is a new Info Icon next to the patient name. Hovering over this icon displays the patient's chart number, first, preferred and last names. This is helpful for those patients that have long names that might not display completely if they have 2 first or last or a hyphenated name.


Also, if a patient is not an active patient, a warning of Inactive is also displayed in this area.

These updates have been automatically enabled and are now available in the Recall System Pro Toolbar. For further information on this or any of our features, please contact us at 1-800-651-8603 ext 1, email to or live text chat at

Thanks for using Recall System Pro!