October 30 , 2017 - New Automated Patient Message "Resend" Option
How many times have you thought it would be great to manually force or push an RSP automated message to a patient?
Maybe the patient says they did not receive a message or a patient recently came on to one of our lists or perhaps you just updated a patient email address or cell number and wanted to resend a recent message?
Well, now you can...
If you remember a few weeks ago, we added a great new feature in our Patient Messaging Summary page that allows you to view a copy of the automated email or text message sent to that patient.
Now, on the same
Patient Messaging-> Summary Tab, we've added second option giving you the ability to Resend a copy of the automated email or text message to the patient!
Once the message has been submitted for Resend, the status of that message will appear starting with "Will be Sent Soon" through to "Message Sent".
As always, you will also see the clock icon next to the patient name in the list indicating that a message is pending to go out.
Again, this is great tool to use if;
* a patient claims to not have received an email or text message
* a patient was recently added to a list and you want to push a message out to that patient.
* a patient email or text info was missing or invalid and has since been corrected.
This update has been automatically enabled and is available in the Recall System Pro Toolbar. For further information on this or any of our features, please contact us at 1-800-651-8603 ext 1 or email to support@recallsystem.com or live text chat at www.recallsystem.com